Rpg maker mv sprite sheet big

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Your plugin has been working nicely so far. If I can get this working I will become a patreon :D I am going on a limb and saying that if you change it from f*0.8 to say 1.6 you would need 16 horizontal frames? $Filename, !Filename, Filename, $!Filename, !$Filename.Īlso you mentioned you can have any many frames as you wish for horizontal frames? Does it just automatically pick up on X number of frames or do you need change that in the plugin manager? I was looking in it and under GALV_CharacterFrames there’s an option that’s named Frame Speed Modifier. I read above that if you changed it to !then the file name it changes the default you should keep it the same? I tried it with : No matter what size I changed it to it always shows two arrows instead of one. Is there any reason for it to do that? I changed the size from the default 5.33 to 7.33 then 9.33 all the way up to 22.33. I took your template with the arrows increased their size and now it shows 2 arrows instead of one.

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Sorry to ask this since I noticed you have a shit ton of questions but. Hello Galv :D I was looking for a plug in exactly like this and it seems like I finally found one.

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